Thursday, March 4, 2010

Used Car Dealers, Auctioners Meet at CAR Conference, Intermodal Car Hauling in Discussion

The President’s cracks about Las Vegas haven’t scared off the car auctioneers, used car dealers and car haulers from heading out to Sin City today and tomorrow for the Conference of Automotive Remarketing. Our vocabulary lesson for the day is that “automotive remarketing” is the fancy way of saying used car sales, including the car auctions that provide a secondary wholesale market for the used car industry. Car carriers will be pressing the flesh with auctioneers and car dealers looking to pick up some business picking up cars and pickups.

One press release from a car transporter previewed one of the panel discussions at the CAR noting that intermodal car hauling can be a cost-saving method of moving cars long distances. Rather than loading up a truck and taking it cross-country, like the protagonists in the nice essay in the third link below of a Canadian hauler going from metro Toronto to Thunder Bay and on to Vancouver with a load of custom cars, you can get the train to do most of the work, only needing a truck for the last-mile work from the intermodal hubs.

Such intermodal work does create some logistical issues, arranging for three legs rather than one and also running the risk of dinging up the cars getting on and off the train. However, as gas prices rise, using rail for part of the car haul may make sense, especially for longer cross-country trips. Custom cars might opt to err on the safety side and have just one load and unload, but more mundane cars might be good candidates for an intermodal ride.


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