Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Protecting International Car Shipping

Car transportation professionals concerned about Somalia's emergence on the world stage as a safe haven for terrorists linked to al-Qaeda will be happy to hear President Obama has apparently decided this is a possibility. The other day United States President Barack Obama issued an executive order allowing legal authorities to freeze the assets of individuals or groups with ties to Somalia pirates. In his statements President Obama termed the violence and ongoing problems with piracy off the coast of Somalia as a threat to the national security of the United States of America.

What exactly does this executive order do for the battle to protect international car shipping vessels traveling through the area where pirates operate? This executive order gives the United States Treasury authority to freeze the assets of individuals or groups known to have obstructed the transport of humanitarian assistance into Somalia. It also allows the United States Treasury to freeze the money of individuals or groups known to have provided arms or technical advice to Somalia.

What does this news mean for the worldwide car moving industry as we travel further into the century of the environment? At present maritime lawyers are pretty close-mouthed about the meaning these sanctions will have for the shipping industry in general. We can certainly expect a lot of uncertainty in this affair until the clouds of doubt surrounding any provisions in agreements are clarified. Once the lawyers have a better understanding of the possible implications this executive order has for the shipping industry though, we can expect the emotional turmoil around the possible problems sanctions could create for the business of transport to subside.

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